This factory was established in 1947 as a subcontract factory of Seikosha (now Seiko) in Kobuke-cho, Inage-ku, Chiba City, Chiba Prefecture, and was one of the small factories that developed along with Japan's rapid economic growth. In the early days of the company's founding, various tasks such as manufacturing, assembling, and packaging watches and clock parts for Seikosha were performed by hand using manual machine tools. In the 1950s and 60s, the company expanded its scale by introducing various machines and employing about 60 workers. In 1976, the company began to manufacture and sell its own watchman's clocks under the brand name ELIOT. The restored factory exhibited here is a part of the manufacturing section. Small machine tools such as a bench lathe and a bench drilling machine with wooden wheels and leather flat belts for power transmission, are preseved in working condition and arranged in process order.
- Exhibit No.
- 120-73
- Name
- Scissors gauge
- Specification
- Flat type
- Manufacturer